Saturday, July 26, 2008

cAughT oN camEra

tHere was This onE Time..,
i waS randomLy browsIng a haRd disK whiCh belOngs to an aRsehole fRiend Of minE to coPy soME musiC fiLe..
InsteaD i Found somEthiNg elsE..
nOo..,iT's noT poRn.. HUaah..
hE acTuallY kEpt a CollEctIon of oUr frienDs phOto caUght In tHe moSt ugLiest, awkwaRd exPressIon..
hE eveN haS a namE for his collEction, 'Suicide Bomber'
Chee bYe riTe..!! HAha..
cUrious tO kNow Why hE caLls It 'Suicide Bomber'....??
taKe a LooK aT the pIcs belOw...ahHAH.. eNjoY!!

mY baLi pIcs

mY baLi trIp was a BlasT!!!
LikE serioUsly.., we have been DriNkinG lIke nobody busiNEss, non Stop since tHe daY we gOt therE.. wE weRe dRunk evEn before wE could recover frOm ouR prevIous hanGovers(mUltiple-hanGovers..haAHha..iT's a musT try experiEnce..).. Bought likE 4 boTtles of liquor fRom the aiRport and boTtle(SSS) of juNgle Juice..
Kuta Beach was SpectaculaR in every possible way.., thE sun, thE biG waves, chEap icE coLd beeR venDor, aND the besT is Of couRse.., loTs & loTs of niCe looKing BOOBIESSSS. nYEheh..
hoW i wiSH singapOre was siMilaR... thEn i woUld have haD a new Hobby: bOObs gazing..