Monday, May 19, 2008

turNinG 22

iTs 5 mins past midnitE whiCh meanS iM oFficially 22. I've bEen getting 'suA TUA' msGeS from My frienDs .. HahHa.. thX skUnks!! to Think of iT, damN it'S a NightmarE..soOn im gOin to Be 30, Then 40 Then 50 Then 60 Then 70 tHen HopefuLly i diEs aftEr thaT.. HeHeE.. iT's been quiTe a jouRneY... not alwayS a sMooth onEs, buT iM surviVing.. I kiNd of miss mY family back iN sinGapore the moSt. Im seateD alone at an internet cafe in bali thInkiIng oF theM..SerIouslY.. soB!SOb!... haHAhHa..
buT I guEss i'LL just havE to hoLd thosE thouGhts back caUse Im headiNg ofF to skY loUnge sOon foR a Pre MooN paRty .. i juSt couldn'T lEt thoSe negative emOtions cLouds my minD. it'll wIll simplY rUIn mY mooD.. I'm in thE mOod to paRty YO!!!hUahHaha.. Im so gOnnA geT laId toniGht..HUauUaha...(Im joKing skUnks.., Im a VIRGIN..,rememBer...??) anYwaY..,ive gOt to go Now.. wanNa get readY.. HahHaha.. iM all sexiTed... talK to skUnks soOn whEn i get back To singapoRe.. WEeEEEeEee

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