Thursday, April 17, 2008

husH husH baD niTE!!

uRghhhh...,it's laTe anD i'm noT abLE to gO baCK to mY lalA lanD anytIme soON...
i FreakIng goT woRk in the moRning....
i'M so hype uP for no apparenT reasoN..
maYbe i'm suFferiNg from insoMnia..
maYbe i'M just noT tired enUF..
tOo baD i'm Not married...,iF i were, maYbe i coUld do my wiFe a liTtle and then off To sleep.. HHeheH...
aAaaHhhh...,a MAid wiLl do.... maybe i sHOuld gEt myselF a maID...maID-turn-pornstaR..HEeZ...u know..,liKe the one in roLe plaY... dOmestIc workEr bY daY.., woNder sexwoMAn by niGHt... aaHh my kInd of a superhero...

sHould i helP myself..?? nahHhhh.. i'm so uninspired to do so...
i'll end uP havIng a cramp on mY hand anD havIng thaT part of my Body all Numb..hEez..
i coUld do soMe workOut BUT I'll be sweatiNg and theN i have to take a bath which i haTe doing when everYone's asLeep...(anD No!!! Not bcauSe i'm afraId)..
i Hope i can thiNk of something sooN...
maYbe i shOuld coMplimenT myself to sleeP...(e.G aku handsOme,akU handsome,akU cuTe, aku handsome..nyehhe... ok laMe.., I kNow..)
whateveR it is..,talk to u sKunks sooN..

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