Saturday, April 12, 2008

mY fascInatIon wiTh pHotosHop..

i alway havE thIS HugE hiDden iNtereSt iN phoTogrApHy..
esPecIally the nUde, expliciT oNes..woHooo..nYHeHe(i'M jokinG hOr!!)
i diD consiDer purSuing it in laSalle buT looKing at the hiGh couRse fEe, i decide nOt too..
i aM no mR-loTs-of gReen-bucks guy.. $$$$$$$
infaCt i was Born wiTh a chEap wooDen spOon in mY mouTh..nYeHHe..
aiTe..,lEts go bacK to the TopiC..,
PhotoshOp foR me iS lIke a vibraTed huMAn dicK In a puDenda..
iT reallY does woNder..

uGly+pHotOshop = bRitney spearS
pUdgineSs+pHotOShop = tYra baNks
gorgeouS lOokiNg + phOtoshOp = Me(nYehHe)..

aLl u neEd is creatIvity..
i am No experT buT i thInk i did a prettY gooD joB wiTh some..
enOugh saiD..,
enjOy a few oF my completed 'masTer piecEs'

My fiRst HIgh FashioN shOot FeaT. gaY top model Yuzni miChelle
foR plaYgaY
fOr models bOoking plS call 1800-yuzNi-wiLl-blOw-You.

mY imaGinary GF whO getS me sexciTed whenEver..,whErevEr..nyHEhHe...

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